10+ years of experience in the medical field

მკურნალობის დაგეგმვა თურქეთში
სამედიცინო ტურიზმი

About Us

The Klinik team will simplify your treatment planning and accompanying procedures at leading clinics in Turkey. We have close cooperation and relationship with each medical institution, providing the most important and complex medical services with modern innovative methods. Our specialists will help you prepare the necessary documents before and after departure and provide each procedure that is important for your health.

Our Services

The clinic unites all the leading hospitals in Turkey. We provide patient transportation and all necessary services that are important for your health and accurate treatment

თურქეთის წამყვანი კლინიკები

Before Departure

• Verifying the diagnosis
• Planning treatment
• Taking a PCR test to be presented at the airport
• Travel ticket reservation (land, air)
• Hotel reservation

After Departure

• Airport pick-up and drop-off
• Translator service
• Treatment and rehabilitation
• Cooperation with state co-financing programs, funds and private insurance
• Return to the home country and periodic examinations with the treating physician

როგორ მოვხვდეთ თურქეთში სამკურნალოდ

Why Do They Choose Us

Among other advantages, our biggest advantage lies in the individual approach to each patient, which has a particular impact on the quality of service and patient satisfaction.

კლინიკები ტრაპიზონში

Innovative Methods of Treatment

Turkish clinics cooperate with the world's leading medical institutions, enabling them to put international innovative treatment methods into practice in a short period of time.

Quality of Medical Procedures

Leading Turkish clinics are accredited by internationally renowned organizations such as JCI. In addition, the quality of services in the country is checked every six months by the Turkish Ministry of Health.

Leading Specialists

In most cases, Turkish doctors receive education and work experience in leading universities and medical institutions abroad. They combine both traditional and innovative methods of treatment and never cease professional growth and development.

Preferential Prices

In Turkey, consulting a doctor, diagnosing a disease, medical treatment or surgery will cost you 30-40 percent cheaper than in other leading countries in the field of medical tourism. Turkey is an example of how the low prices do not equal to low quality services. In fact, Turkey is a leader in terms of quality of service, as well as treatment and diagnostics, and does not lag behind countries such as Germany and Israel.

High Standards of Service

Turkish clinics are focused on patient requirements and satisfaction. Therefore, medical staff are on duty 24 hours a day to ensure the well-being of patients. Most medical facilities in Turkey have hotel-type services so that patients and their loved ones can be less stressed after the medical procedures. However, the buildings of the medical institution are designed in such a way that patients of different severity and needs can easily reach any part of the building.

ბოლო სიახლეები

კომპანიის შესახებ სიახლეები და სასარგებლო ინფორმაცია, რომელიც მოგაწვდით მეტ ინფორმაციას ჩვენი სერვისებისა და საქმიანობის შესახებ

Patient Guide

Frequently asked questions and information that is useful if you are planning a treatment at a leading clinic in Turkey

როგორ მოვხვდეთ თურქეთში სამკურნალოდ
რინოპლასტიკის ოპერაცია თურქეთში

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